Characteristics of Pitta Prakriti

Pitta Prakriti

Characteristics of Pitta Prakriti

In this article, we explore the characteristics of Pitta Prakriti.

  • They have lot of heat in their body so can not tolerate outside heat as well as hot and spicy foods.
  • They have tendency to get lot of acnes, pustules, moles and reddish-brown spots on the face as well as rest of the body.
  • They have strong appetite and thirst so tend to eat as well as drink more and at frequent intervals.
  • Their beard, moustache, hair and body hair have reddish-brown texture and are thin.
  • Signs of aging such as wrinkles, hair loss, graying of hair shows up faster in these individuals.
  • They have loose joints, tendons and ligaments.
  • They pass urine and stool in more quantity and frequently.
  • They sweat more and it smells bad.
  • They have moderate but sound sleep.
  • They get angry easily but are brave individuals.
  • They have good grasping power but medium memory.
  • They are sexually less active compared to Kapha Prakriti individuals.

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