Years prior to 1872, Late Vaidyaraj Shri. Krushnashastri Puranik (1839 – 1905) sowed the seeds of Ayurved aushadhi nirman at Panvel, near Mumbai.
With great dynamism and a vision at play alongwith his son Late Vaidyaraj Shri. Vishnushastri Puranik (1864 – 1914), this ignition led to Shree Dhootapapeshwar Aryaushadhi Karkhana.
The basic aim of the enterprise was service to the Ayurved fraternity which in actuality meant Service to Ayurved.

A simple goal : Efficacious medicines of the highest quality
The founder believed that mankind has much to gain from their own traditional medicine. This medicine should be of the highest quality, with the quality being assured from batch to batch, leaving no room for errors. And so, with the greatest of sensitivity to ancient textual description, he focused on the mechanisation of production for Ayurved medicine with no scope for compromise.
His approach and immediate goals for the enterprise were very simple – manufacture extremely efficacious medicines, standardise the formulae to the satisfaction of Ayurved Vaidyas, scale-up to industrial scale and nation-wide distribution.
A united platform for Ayurved physicians
With the ongoing onslaught of the British Raj in its early days and their western medicinal approach, Late Vaidyaraj Shri. Vishnushastri Puranik recognised his fiduciary responsibility in keeping Ayurved alive amongst the fraternity. He knew and thereby invested in all means possible for a united platform for Ayurved Physicians.
Generations after him continue this work of keeping the Ayurved Physicians voice paramount in matters of national health.

After the untimely demise of Late Vaidyaraj Shri. Vishnushastri, his legacy was carried forward for some time under the guidance of his brother Shri. Rambhau Krushnashastri Puranik till his son Shri. Gangadhar Vishnushastri Puranik was ready to take on the responsibility of leading the enterprise.
The third generation of the Puranik family – Late Vaidyaraj Shri. Gangadhar Vishnushastri Puranik (1907 – 1980) also known as Nanasaheb, with great support from his younger brother Shri. Mahadev Vishnu Puranik also known as Kakasaheb Puranik, Shree Dhootapapeshwar Limited emerged as the foremost institute of the country known for its superior quality of manufactured medicines.
Illustrious leaders of the independence struggle like Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Patel, Bal Gangadhar Tilak and leading Ayurved Practitioners have visited the factory in Panvel.

Expansion and Advertising:
The vision to take Shree Dhootapapeshwar nation-wide and make medicines available in far corners of India with literature and propagation in local languages was achieved by the brothers. By the mid-1930’s the company had 26 branches in far flung areas of India and was manufacturing over 1000 Ayurved medicines. The enterprise had its own printing press in Panvel for the load of publicity and literature was getting larger and larger.
Quality of the highest order was never a second thought and this policy yielded great patronage amongst the Ayurved Physicians.
Even today, Shree Dhootapapeshwar Limited and its in-house quality norms christened as Shree Dhootapapeshwar Standards (SDS) is well accepted as benchmark quality. SDS means a warranty for Efficacious, Shastrashuddha, Standardised and Safe Ayurved medicines. The management believes that Ayurved medicines cure and mitigate disease and disorder whilst also preventing promoting health.
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