आयुर्वेदोपदेशेषु विधेय: परमादर: ||
- अष्टांग हृदय
‘Knowledge to achieve meaning Dharma, prosperity Artha and happiness Sukha, one must follow the guidelines of Ayurved - the Science of Life.’
Perfecting the science of Ayurved for over 150 years Shree Dhootapapeshwar has distilled wisdom, experience and expertise in the crucible of ancient knowledge to ceaselessly deliver - Health and Happiness through Ayurved and will do so forever.
Mankind has always been in pursuit of Happiness and an essential to facilitate this is, good health. At Shree Dhootapapeshwar, we endeavour to interpret Ayurved - wisdom of the seers, to continually deliver long lasting health and provide much needed cure. Health restored is Happiness enabled.
Our Story
Late Vaidyaraj Shri Krushna Shastri Puranik (1839 – 1905), along with his son Late Vaidyaraj Shri Vishnu Shastri Puranik (1864 – 1914), formalised his Ayurvedic practice into an enterprise “Shree Dhootapapeshwar Aryaushadhi Karkhana” with the aim of manufacturing Safe, Efficacious, Standardised and Quality Ayurvedic healthcare formulations.
The mission has always been simple – Serving Ayurved.

Featured Products
Explore this range to strengthen immunity, preserve good health and for overall well-being.
Drakshovin Special
MRP:Drakshovin Special is an invigorating & restorative tonic with a unique combination of potent ingredients like Draksha, Ashwagandha & Brahmi. It helps boost memory and improve concentration. It is a powerful appetiser and digestive. It nourishes body tissues and promotes vigour & vitality.
Maha Swarna Brahma Yog
Maha Swarna Brahma Yog is a dispersible tablet prepared for Swarna Prashan, recommended for children from ages two to sixteen years. Each administration provides 2.35mg standardised Swarna Bhasma.
Maha Swarna Yog
Maha Swarna Yog is a dispersible tablet prepared for Swarna Prashan providing benefits such as Medhavardhan, Ayuvardhan, Balvardhan, Agnivardhan. Each administration provides precise dose of 2mg standardised Swarna Bhasma.
Swamala Compound
MRP:Swamala Compound-a fortified Chyavanprash (Ashtavarg) with Gold and other potent Ayurved enhancers assists Total Health for all Seasons. Swamala Compound is patronized by consumers and Ayurved Physicians for its role as an immunity booster and restorative supplement.
Ayurved & You
“यथा पिण्डे तथा ब्रह्माण्डे, यथा ब्रह्माण्डे तथा पिण्डे” – यजुर्वेद
As in the body, so in the Universe. As in the Universe, so in the body.
Conferences, gatherings and memorials for the Ayurved fraternity

Vaidya Seva
Ayurved Physicians.
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Vaidya Seva
Vaidya Seva is a platform exclusively created for
Ayurved Physicians.
We count on your continued patronage.
Help us serve you better.