Arogya Chintan Pustika

Arogyamandir Patrika

Aushadhi Vivaran Pustika

Ayurvedeeya Aushadhikaran

Kalpa Mimamsa

Other Publications

Swasthya Pustika
Arogyamandir Patrika was started way back in 1837 by Shree Dhootapapeshwar under the guidance of panel of Ayurved stalwarts. The monthly, was covering information beneficial not only for Ayurved physicians but also for common people. The magazine was continued till the year 1968 in the same format.In 1999, Arogyamandir Patrika was relaunched with a different look and feel and only for Vaidya fraternity. For more than 20 years over 50 Arogyamandir Patrika issues were published by us covering various disease conditions and related treatment. We have tried our best to elaborate deeper meaning of some of the concepts related to Vyadhi and its treatment in these issues.We will try our best to bring out many more such issues of Arogyamandir Patrika in the coming times.
Publication of this booklet started way back in the year 2012. Just as the name suggests, this booklet gives information about various Aushadhi Kalpa, mainly Rasa Kalpa. Brief explanation about uses of these Kalpa in accordance to individual ingredients is provided.
As mentioned by Acharya Charak, a basic tool for Vaidya to treat and cure patient is Bheshaj i.e. Ayurved formulation. Hence, it was decided by us to explore various Ayurved formulations, specially the Rasakalpas. We have published successfully six important Ayurved formulations which are in day to day practice of majority of Ayurved physicians. On the basis of basic principles, we have explored the use of these formulations in various indications mentioned in Phalashruti of the respective formulation other than the routine ones. This will be definitely helpful for Ayurved students in their academics as well as the upcoming physicians in their practice.
Ayurved treatment is incomplete without proper diet and lifestyle modifications. Swasthya Pustika has been sharing detail information about various Ahar Dravya (food items) like fruits, green leafy vegetables, pulses etc. and their role in disease management as well as maintaining good health. The proper ways of having these food items their effect on the body is briefly explained in these booklets. These booklets are published every two months since the year 2013.