Nishamalaki is the best health tonic for those suffering from Meha. Nisha means Haldi i.e. turmeric and Amalaki means Amla. Ayurved mentions these herbs to be best to treat Meha मेहेषु धात्री निशे । (Ashtanghruday, 6th century). As both these herbs are Rasayan in nature they help to curtail bad effects of Meha on the body. Nishamalaki can be used as an adjuvant along with other sugar regulating medicines to maintain blood sugar level. It helps to maintain proper digestion in people suffering from Meha. Keeps the skin healthy. Helps to retard wear and tear of organs due to ageing. It also improves immunity along with maintaining health and vitality. Its regular usage can help to keep away complications of Meha related to the eyes, kidneys, nerves etc.
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