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Trivanga Bhasma is manufactured by the combined Bhasmikaran of 3 Shuddha metals viz. Naga, Vanga, Yashada in equal quantity. It shows special influence on all dhatus from 'Rasa' to 'Shukra'. An excellent Vajikar, Jananendriya-balya, Shaktidayak.
The powerful Bhasma which is Ushna, Teekshna, Srotoshodhak, acting on liver. Though 'Tamra' being 'Vishadravya', due to Standardized Bhasmikaran process, its properties are enhanced. Proper administration proves beneficial like 'Amrut'.
The Bhasma prepared from 'Suvarnamakshik' which has mainly 'Loha' acts as Rasayan, Raktaprasadak, Pittashamak, Stambhak, Balya, Yogavahi. Useful in Amlapitta by reducing Sama, Drava guna of Pitta. Acts as Hrudbalya in symptoms like palpitation, etc.
Shouktik Bhasma prepared by 'Shukti' (Oyster Shell) is mild in action than Shankha & Kapardika Bhasma, Hence most useful in children & women. Excellent Pachak, Deepak,Shoolaprashamak, Pittashamak, hence useful in Amlapitta, Parinamshoola, Ajeerna, etc.
The Bhasma with Ushna, Deepan, Pachan, Grahi activity, prepared from 'Shankha' (Conch Shell). It improves digestion and also helps in absorbing excessive liquid content. Most useful in Digestive disorders like Amlapitta, Agnimandya, Chhardi, Ajeerna, etc.
Rajata Bhasma is praised as the Best Rasayan & Health supplement which also helps in most of the diseases. It is Vatashamak, specially acting on Kidney, Brain & Nerves. Useful in Shukrakshayajanya disorders being excellent Vrushya & Rasayan.
Excellent Pittashamak, Dahashamak, Sheetal Bhasma prepared from red coloured stone i.e. Pravala (Coral). It reduces Teekshna, Ushna, Amla qualities of Pitta. It is effective in Raktapitta due to Raktaprasadan, Raktastambhak activity. Nourishes Asthidhatu.
Naga Bhasma energizes all Saptadhatus & revitalizes all Indriyas. Most useful as Veeryavardhak in Napunsakata. Proves beneficial in Madhumeha by reducing vitiation of Dosha-Dushyas with Kledanashan property. Useful in Mansapeshi Ksheenatajanya Vikar.
The most cooling, Pittashamak, Dahashamak, Mootral Bhasma made from 'Mouktik' the famous shining, white Pearl. Helpful in Unmada & other Mastishkavikar with pacifying effect on irritated nerves. Effective in Burning sensation in genito-urinary tract, etc.
Mandoora Bhasma is the Bhasma of Mandoora or 'Lohakitta' with properties like Soumya, Sheetal, Kashaya & mainly acting on Liver. It is easily digested & rapidly absorbed in the body than Loha Bhasma. Hence most useful in children, pregnant women, etc.
The famous remedy of Panduroga is Loha Bhasma. Excellent Haematinic, Balya thus increases quality, quantity & strength of Rasaraktadi dhatu. Useful in reducing the symptoms in Pandu such as palpitation, fainting, Agnimandya.
Especially Pittashamak, Swadukar, Shoolaghna, Koshthastha Vatahar Bhasma prepared by 'Kaparda' or 'Cowrie'. It is extremely effective in Grahani Roga, Pravahika with direct action on Grahani being Deepak, Pachak, Grahi. Useful in Ajeerna, Amlapitta etc.
Excellent Raktavardhak i.e. Haematinic, Kaphanashak, Balya Bhasma prepared by one of the best type of Lohas i.e. 'Kantaloha'. In Panduroga increases RBC content by acting on liver, helps in proper secretion of Pitta.
The most potent Bhasma useful in Prameha, Pandu, Shwasa Netraroga is Yashada Bhasma. It is safe, standardized; prepared by Paradmarit method, one of the best in Bhasmikaran. It acts as Dhatushaithilya Nashak in Prameha, Madhumeha, and its complications.
Heeraka Bhasma is manufactured from Heeraka (Diamond) the most precious & the hardest gemstone, which also makes body organs as strong & powerful as 'Vajra'. It is most potent Hrudya, Balya, Medhya, Vrushya, Jaranashak.
Godanti Bhasma is excellent Jwaraghna & Vedananashak, Effective in reducing symptoms of Jwara, like high body temperature, burning sensation, excessive thirst, headache, etc. Helpful in reducing the onset of fever in Vishamajwara.
The Abhraka Bhasma (Shatputi/Sahasraputi) are prepared from special quality Abhraka - 'Vajrabhraka' & are more potent than 'Nischandra Abhraka Bhasma'. Abhraka Bhasma is Pranavaha Srotas Balya & Rasayan thus strengthens the Moolasthan - Phuphusa & Hrudaya.
The Suvarnakalpa especially effective in various types of Jwara as well as Sannipatik and Vishamjwara.
Shree Dhootapapeshwar Limited
135, Nanubhai Desai Road, Khetwadi, Girgaon, Mumbai,- 400004
Adv. Mrs. N. R. Patankar has been associated with Shree Dhootapapeshwar Limited since the mid 1980’s and has been a steadfast support to the enterprise aims. She has an extensive experience of over 40 years in the field of Labour & Industrial Law. Her expertise involves arbitration, mediation and conciliation in her law practice. She acts as a Counsel for formulation of policies and other matters related to litigation within the Company.
Mrs. Patankar is an acknowledged authority on Labour Law and her footprint in High Courts in India is well acclaimed.
Mr. Yashodhan Divekar is associated with Shree Dhootapapeshwar Limites since the year 2020. He is an Advocate and Solicitor of the Incorporated Law Society of India and Law Society of England. He is 3rd generation Solicitor and Partner of Divekar and Co., a 101 year old and most reputed Law firm in Mumbai. Mr. Divekar has robust experience as an Solicitor and Counsel. He is an expert on matters pertaining to Hindu law, property and Constitutional law and handles the firm’s plenteous Arbitration work.
Managing Director of Shree Dhootapapeshwar Ltd., is the 5th Generation and 7th member of Puranik family. Under his robust leadership, the Company today boasts of last mile contact with largest number of Ayurved Physicians by any Company. He strongly believes what is Good for Ayurved is Best for the enterprise, keeping in confirmity to the founding fathers vision.
Mr. Puranik is Director of Shree Dhootapapeshwar Research Foundation. He also serves as President of Ayurvidya Prasarak Mandal, a 60 year Ayurveda college and teaching hospital campus. He is Member – Advisory Committee, Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India. Mr. Puranik has also been a vocal spokesperson for the better recognition and acceptance of traditional medicine and in particular the classical syntax as represented in Ayurveda. As Trustee of All India Ayurveda Congress and World Ayurveda Foundation, he is involved with active advocacy for all matters within the realm of Ayurveda. He is Trustee of Shree Dhootapapeshwar Ayurved Vidyalay Samiti, Board Member at National Medicinal Plants Board, Founder Trustee at National Ayurveda Students & Youth Association (NASYA),•Founder Group of – AYUSH Export Promotion Council, FICCI,•Vice President (West) – Ayurvedic Drug Manufacturers’ Association, Member Ayurvedic Committee – American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), Member AYUSH Core Group – CII.
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