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Being very tasty, palatable & effective in relieving Malavashtambha by its Mrudu Virechan Karma, it is appropriately named ‘Swadishta Virechan Choorna’. Can be consumed by one & all from children to elderly people. Used as Amapachak in various Tvachavikar
By virtue of its ingredients Haridra, Daruharidra, Musta, Dhanyaka, Guduchi etc. 'Haridrakhanda Choorna' acts as Vatanulomak & Kapha-Pitta Virechak. Effective in Sheetapittadi Vikar. Relieves Raktadusti by Pachan of Dooshit Kapha & Raktagata Kleda
The word ‘Dhatupoushtik’ itself indicates the efficacy of the product in ‘Dhatuposhan’ Karya for all the Dhatu i.e. body tissues. Ingredients Shatavari, Ashvagandha, Munjataka etc. are the best Dhatuposhak herbs to boost general stamina, vigour, strength
Avipattikar Choorna is well known for its action of alleviating Pitta disorders. Useful as a mild laxative in Amlapitta and other associated symptoms.
Bhaskarlavan Choorna is the best Amapachak, Deepak and extremely tasty. Useful in Mandagni, Amadosha and Sangrahani.
The ingredients are collected & the choorna is prepared in Pushya Nakshatra hence the name Pushyanug Choorna. It is useful in all types of Pradar. Useful in vaginal and uterine disorders.
Taleesadi Choorna is useful in Shushka Shwasa, Kasa. It is beneficial in symptoms of Shushka Kasa such as less sputum even after continuous coughing, chest pain, excessive thirst, dryness of throat being Kaphanashak, Agnideepak and Pachak.
The choorna with combination of 3 fruits i.e. Hirada, Behada & Amla, is an excellent Mruduvirechak, Agnideepak, Rasayan. Useful in Malavashtambha (constipation) due to its mild laxative action. Excellent in Prameha, Kushtha, Agnimandya, Pandu, Netraroga.
Excellent Kaphapittashamak, Ruchikar, Agnideepak and Pachak Choorna. It is a well known medicine for cough & cold. Relieves the symptoms associated with fever such as cough, breathlessness, Headache, Lethargy & weakness.
A best remedy for Agnimandya and Shoola is Hingwashtak Choorna. When consumed with ghee alongwith the first morsel of food it acts as best Agnideepak.
It is a combination of Amalaki (Amla, Indian gooseberry) and Haridra (turmeric), is considered to be best In ancient Ayurved text for a person suffering from Meha. Amla is known for its excellent rejuvenating, adaptogenic and antioxidant properties and Haridra is known for its blood purifying action on the body. Hence, this combination acts as an adjuvant along with conventional medicines to control increased sugar levels in the body. It also helps to maintain skin health, energy and proper digestion.
It is a combination of Amalaki (Amla, Indian gooseberry) and Haridra (turmeric). Amla is known for its excellent rejuvenating, adaptogenic and antioxidant properties and Haridra is known for its blood purifying action on the body. Hence, this combination acts as an adjuvant along with conventional medicines to control increased sugar levels in the body. It also helps to maintain skin health, energy and proper digestion.
Chyavanprash Ashtavarga is an excellent Rasayan and Balya Avaleha with Amla as its main ingredient. It helps build immunity and nourishes body tissues.
An Ayurvedic hair & scalp care therapy that strengthens hair, helps control hair fall and promotes healthy hair growth.
Shilapravang Special is medicine containing ingredients of herbal and mineral origin which improve strength and stamina of the body by nourshing all body component.
Ashvagandha + Guduchi + Tulsi
Tulasi or Tulsi helps maintain a good appetite, improves digestion, prevents recurrent cough & cold. It also helps to improve immunity and assists the body to cope with seasonal variations and recurrent ailments.
Ashvagandha is an adaptogenic, strength enhancer and potent spermatogenic. It helps to reduce stress, reduce local inflammation, regain strength and maintain overall health.
Shree Dhootapapeshwar Limited
135, Nanubhai Desai Road, Khetwadi, Girgaon, Mumbai,- 400004
Adv. Mrs. N. R. Patankar has been associated with Shree Dhootapapeshwar Limited since the mid 1980’s and has been a steadfast support to the enterprise aims. She has an extensive experience of over 40 years in the field of Labour & Industrial Law. Her expertise involves arbitration, mediation and conciliation in her law practice. She acts as a Counsel for formulation of policies and other matters related to litigation within the Company.
Mrs. Patankar is an acknowledged authority on Labour Law and her footprint in High Courts in India is well acclaimed.
Mr. Yashodhan Divekar is associated with Shree Dhootapapeshwar Limites since the year 2020. He is an Advocate and Solicitor of the Incorporated Law Society of India and Law Society of England. He is 3rd generation Solicitor and Partner of Divekar and Co., a 101 year old and most reputed Law firm in Mumbai. Mr. Divekar has robust experience as an Solicitor and Counsel. He is an expert on matters pertaining to Hindu law, property and Constitutional law and handles the firm’s plenteous Arbitration work.
Managing Director of Shree Dhootapapeshwar Ltd., is the 5th Generation and 7th member of Puranik family. Under his robust leadership, the Company today boasts of last mile contact with largest number of Ayurved Physicians by any Company. He strongly believes what is Good for Ayurved is Best for the enterprise, keeping in confirmity to the founding fathers vision.
Mr. Puranik is Director of Shree Dhootapapeshwar Research Foundation. He also serves as President of Ayurvidya Prasarak Mandal, a 60 year Ayurveda college and teaching hospital campus. He is Member – Advisory Committee, Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India. Mr. Puranik has also been a vocal spokesperson for the better recognition and acceptance of traditional medicine and in particular the classical syntax as represented in Ayurveda. As Trustee of All India Ayurveda Congress and World Ayurveda Foundation, he is involved with active advocacy for all matters within the realm of Ayurveda. He is Trustee of Shree Dhootapapeshwar Ayurved Vidyalay Samiti, Board Member at National Medicinal Plants Board, Founder Trustee at National Ayurveda Students & Youth Association (NASYA),•Founder Group of – AYUSH Export Promotion Council, FICCI,•Vice President (West) – Ayurvedic Drug Manufacturers’ Association, Member Ayurvedic Committee – American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), Member AYUSH Core Group – CII.
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