Vishatinduk Vati
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Vishatinduk Vati

Vishatinduk Vati is an excellent Vatashamak, Vedanasthapak as well as Vajeekar Dravya, it is effective in Vatanadi Vedana and Vatanadi related Vikar like Pakshaghata, Ardita, Basti Shaithilya and sexual debility etc.

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Monograph: Vishatinduk Vati
Expiry: 3 years from Date of Manufacture


Vishatinduk Vati is prepared from Shodhit Beeja of the Visha Dravya described in Ayurved as ‘Vishatinduk’ or ‘Vishamushti’. Vishamushti Beeja are soaked in Gomootra for seven days 7 boiled in cow milk. Then the Ankur present in the Beeja is removed. Further, these Beeja are roasted in Goghruta. Vishatinduk Vati is an excellent Vatashamak, Vedanasthapak as well as Vajeekar Dravya, it is effective in Vatanadi Vedana and Vatanadi related Vikar like Pakshaghata, Ardita, Basti Shaithilya and sexual debility etc.

Each Tablet contains – Shodhit Vishamushti 62.5 mg

Jeerna Vatavikar e.g. Sandhishoola, Pakshaghata, Ardita and Kampavata, Mansapeshi Sankocha, Vatanadi Vedana, Postherpatic Neuralgia, bed wetting, Dhwajabhang.

Special precaution – Vishatinduk Vati can be used in Garbhini and Sootikavastha as directed by the physician and preferably under the supervision of the prescriber

90 Tab., 1000 Tab.

1 to 2 tablets twice or thrice a day with Maharasnadi Kadha, Dashamoolarishta, Saraswatarishta, lukewarm water or as per the condition of the disease

To be taken under medical supervision.

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