Chaturmukh Rasa
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Chaturmukh Rasa

Chaturmukh Rasa has been described by ‘Lord Brahma’ to ‘Krushnatreya’ for welfare of mankind. This is an ideal product for conditions like Dhatukshayajanya Vataprakopa as well as Srotorodha. This especially works on mental disorders.

Available for purchase in retail stores only. Click here to find retail stores in your area.
Monograph: Chaturmukh Rasa
Expiry: 5 years from Date of Manufacture


Chaturmukh Rasa has been described by ‘Lord Brahma’ to ‘Krushnatreya’ for welfare of mankind. This is an ideal product for conditions like Dhatukshayajanya Vataprakopa as well as Srotorodha. This especially works on mental disorders.

Shuddha Parad 4 parts, Shuddha Gandhak 4 parts, Loha Bhasma 4 parts, Abhraka Bhasma 4 parts, Suvarna Bhasma 1 part

Bhavana – Kumari Swarasa

Diseases due to Dhatukshaya such as Shwasa, Rajayakshma, Pandu, Prameha, Grahani, Agnimandya, Vataprakopajanya moorchha, Unmad, Akshepak, Vatarakta, Visarpa, Hikka, Amlapitta, Arsha

10 Tab., 750 mg (Powder), 300 Tab

1 to 2 tablets once or twice a day with Dashmoolarishta, Saraswatarishta, Triphala Choorna, Honey or as per Rugnavastha

To be taken under medical supervision.

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