Abha Guggul
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Abha Guggul

Abha Guggul is one of the best known bhagna sandhankar and pidanashak Guggul kalpas. Its main ingredient is babool along with trikatu and triphala.

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Monograph: Abha Guggul
Expiry: 5 years from Date of Manufacture


Abha Guggul is one of the best known bhagna sandhankar and pidanashak Guggul kalpas. Its main ingredient is babool along with trikatu and triphala. It is also effective in aghataj amayastha rakstrava. Acacia arabica (babool) has a beneficial effect in fracture healing mediated by some anabolic-like property.

Shodhit Guggul (Guduchi Vishesh Shodhit), Babboola (Abha), Haritaki, Bibhitaka, Amalaki, Shunthi, Maricha, Pippali.

Asthibhagna, asthisousheerya, sandhigataVata, prusthashoola, manyakaserukagataVata, etc.

60 Tab., 1000 Tab.

2 to 4 tablets twice or thrice a day with Dashamoolarishta, cow milk or lukewarm water preferably after meals or as directed by the Physician.


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