Shree Dhootapapeshwar Limited has a well-equipped Animal House facility duly registered under CPCSEA.

The facility operates as per norms/ recommendations of CPCSEA and includes dedicated sections for Breeding, Experimentation, Quarantine, Feed & Bedding storage area, Necropsy room, Autoclave and well equipped laboratory sections.

We have enthusiastic and dedicated Scientists who conduct animal experiments and monitor animal house work. We also have highly qualified professionals from Industry and National Research Institutes who keep on providing valuable research ideas & guidance.

Our animal house & animal experiments are monitored by Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC) as per the requirement of CPCSEA.

SDL has conducted Acute, Chronic & Sub-Chronic toxicity studies for most of its formulations.



Table of Contents

Acute Toxicity Studies

Sub-Chronic Toxicity Studies

Genotoxicity Studies

Genotoxicity & Mutagenicity Studies