


The simple English meaning of the word Mala (मल ) is ‘Waste Products’ of the body. However the Ayurvedic meaning is much deeper and useful to understand the real function of mala.

Though these are called waste products, their role in body’s normal functioning is unquestionable and very important. It took modern medical science a long time to realise but now every laboratory does Stool and Urine examination for diagnosis. Ayurved possessed this knowledge since thousands of years.

Ayurved has explained three Malas or waste products which are excreted in visible form, namely Purish (Stool), Mutra (Urine) and Sweda (Sweat). In addition to these Malas, Ayurved has explained seven Malas of seven Dhatus. This is the unique concept of Ayurvedic system of medicine which gives a different dimension to diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

Malas can have adverse effects on body functioning, if not excreted properly and if they remain in the body for a long time. There are three main Malas, which have a big influence on the physiology of the body. They are as follows:

i) Purish पुरीष (Stool)

ii) Mutra मूत्र (Urine)

iii) Sweda स्वेद (Sweat)

Concept of Dhatu Malas (धातू मल)

Each Dhatu produces Upadhatu and Mala i.e waste product after action of Agni on them. 

Dhatu Malas are the substances visible outside the body in various forms such as nails which is  Mala of Asthi Dhatu.

Knowledge about these Malas is of immense importance for precise diagnosis and deciding on the appropriate line of treatment. For example, deformity of nails denotes disorder related to Asthi Dhatu.

Malas of each Dhatu

Dhatu Dhatu Malas
Coating on tongue and mucosa of mouth
Wax of Ear
Sticky substances in the nose, on teeth, armpits and sexual parts
Sticky substance of eye
Oiliness and acne on the face

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