
Latin Name

Azadirachta indica

English Name

Margosa tree

Sanskrit Name


Part Used

Leaves, Flowers, Bark, Seeds, oil
(पत्र, पुष्प, त्वक्, बीज तैल)

Effect on Dosha

Pacifies Kapha and Pitta

Properties and Uses

Due to bitter and astringent nature, it has blood cleansing, anti-inflammatory and healing properties. Its external application is used in infected, foul smelling wounds. It relieves itching and burning sensation. Its seed oil is useful in various skin diseases and non-healing ulcers. It has digestive properties, relieves acidity hence used in vomiting and hyperacidity. It is useful in intermittent and remittent fevers. It has anti-diabetic properties. External application prepared from young leaves and flowers is effective in various eye ailments. It has mucolytic action and hence used in chronic cough.

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