
Latin Name

Piper chaba

English Name

Thai long pepper

Sanskrit Name


Part Used

Fruit, Root
(फल, मूल)

Effect on Dosha

Dried fruits pacify Kapha and Vata where as young fruits aggravate Vata and Kapha and pacify Pitta.

Properties and Uses

It relieves intestinal gas, boosts appetite hence used in treatment of loss of appetite, indigestion, pain due to flatulence. It has strong mucolytic and expectorant action therefore used in asthma where it helps in breaking down and expectoration of mucus. It has mild laxative and diuretic properties. It is a potent blood cleanser and used in various skin disorders. It is effective in intermittent and remittent fever. It is a potent nourishing and rejuvenating agent when used in proper dose and formulations.

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