Heeraka Bhasma
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Heeraka Bhasma

Heeraka Bhasma is manufactured from Heeraka (Diamond) the most precious & the hardest gemstone, which also makes body organs as strong & powerful as ‘Vajra’. It is most potent Hrudya, Balya, Medhya, Vrushya, Jaranashak.

Available for purchase in retail stores only. Click here to find retail stores in your area.
Monograph: Heeraka Bhasma
Expiry: 10 years from Date of Manufacture


Heeraka Bhasma is manufactured from Heeraka (Diamond) the most precious & the hardest gemstone, which also makes body organs as strong & powerful as ‘Vajra’. It is most potent Hrudya, Balya, Medhya, Vrushya & Jaranashak. Heerak Bhasma maintains proper blood circulation by removing obstruction within the coronary arteries. Effective in toning the heart muscles by reducing Dhatushaithilya & promotes Strength, Stamina and Vitality.

Heerak Bhasma Prepared using Shuddha Heeraka & Sunthi Kwath, Kumari Swarasa, Gulab Jala

Hrudroga, Hrudshoola, Sthoulya, Shotha, Rajayakshma, Prameha, Pandu, Bhrama, Napunsakata, Karkatarbuda, Netraroga

100 mg, 500 mg, 1 gm

2 to 10 mg in the morning & evening with ghee, milk or honey


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